Account Document

Adds a document to the account. This could be, for example, a Personal Id, Proof of address, or Business Registration.

Add document



  • X-request-id: For example 48855846-628d-4177-b071-80332a116f0a
  • Authorization: Bearer bearerToken

bearerToken is the Authorization token that belongs to the account created

i.e. Bearer d49e7fd4-2600-4dd4-a572-118668febbe7

see this section to generate your bearerToken

Query params

{{DocumentType}} query param can be any of the following

Document Types

AddressProof of address (e.g. Bank statement)
BusinessBusiness Registration (e.g. Business registration, Business license)
IdentityPersonal Id (e.g. Passport, Driver's License, Government ID Card)
SelfieIdSelfie with Id photo
PhotoIdFrontID Front
PhotoIdBackID Back
FundsSourceSource of funds (e.g. Bank statement)
BeneficialOwnershipBeneficial ownership
ProofOfBalanceProof of balance (e.g. Bank statement, Screen capture of bank balance)
AccountantAuthorizationAccountant authorization
NonProfitRegistrationNon-profit registration
NonProfitAuthorizedSignatoriesNon-profit authorized signatories


Body is expected as form-data with the follow elements:

fileMulti-part File content

Allowed extensions:
bmp, doc, docx, gif, jpg, jpeg, pdf, png, tif, tiff, xls, xlsx
requestJSON with the following structure
"description": "document short description"


curl --location '<'>  
--header 'Authorization: Bearer abcdc463-cf95-b458-ea3561deda4c'  
--header 'X-REQUEST-ID: 794f264a-4eb9-be08-a366ef8d9ab3'  
--header 'Cookie: XSRF-TOKEN=c1ae52ec-4c06-afda-a814490183bd; SESSION=McxMjMzM2ItY2E5NS00ZjkAzZDk1ZGY4ZTdj'  
--form 'file=@"/C:/Users/oscar/Pictures/SelfieId.png"'  
--form 'request="{\"description\": \"Selfie photo with Id\"}";type=application/json'