Error handling

Effectively handle declines, validation issues, and other challenges

Veem offers a variety of errors. These can result from external events, such as declined payments or invalid API requests.


Here you can find the errors related to the account endpoints, such as POST /veem/v1.2/account. These errors provide comprehensive details to assist in identifying and resolving issues that may occur when interacting with Veem API.

CodeNumeric CodeDescription
INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE50001201The specified ISO country code is invalid: X
INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS50001202The email address X is invalid
PARTIAL_EMAIL_TOO_SHORT50001203Email search requires at least X characters. X is too short
MISSING_BANK_ACCOUNT50001204No bank account set up for account X
EMPTY_ACCOUNT_REQUEST50001205Account request is empty
MISSING_COUNTRY_CODE50001206ISO country code is missing
MISSING_ACCOUNT_TYPE50001207Account type is missing
FIRST_NAME_IS_BLANK50001208First name is empty
LAST_NAME_IS_BLANK50001209Last name is empty
BUSINESS_NAME_IS_BLANK50001210Business name is empty
PHONE_NUMBER_IS_BLANK50001211Phone number is empty
INVALID_NUMBER_FOR_REGION50001212Invalid number for region: X
INVALID_CURRENCY_CODE50001213The currency is not acceptable: X
PAYER_CANNOT_SEND_PAYMENT50001214The payer country X cannot send any payment
PAYEE_CANNOT_RECEIVE_PAYMENT50001215The payee country X cannot receive any payment
MISSING_CURRENCY_CODE50001216Currency code is missing
CONTRACTOR_CANNOT_SEND_PAYMENT50001217Payer cannot be a contractor
FUNDING_METHOD_NOT_FOUND50001218Funding method of type X not found
BANK_ACCOUNT_NOT_UPDATABLE50001219Bank account cannot be updated, reason: X

Error related to bank account information:

VERIFICATION_BANK_PROVIDE_RETURNED_INVALID_INFOBank Data Provider returned invalid owner information error. This can be due to incorrect First Name or Last Name for personal bank accounts or incorrect Business Name for business bank accounts
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_NO_INFO_WAS_FOUNDNo information was found for the given bank account.
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_DOB_DOES_NOT_MATCHThe bank account owner’s DOB doesn’t match with the bank data provider
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_HIGH_RETURN_PROBABILITYThe bank account is either ineligible for a debit activity or deemed to have a high probability of return.
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_HISTORY_BALANCE_LESS_ZEROThe bank account has a history of available balance being less than zero.
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_NOT_ACCEPT_DEBIT_ACTIVITYThe bank account will not accept any debit activity.
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_OWNER_INFO_DOES_NOT_MATCH_PROVIDERBank account owner information does not match with the information provided.
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_OWNER_INFO_DOES_NOT_MATCHBank account owner information does not with the information provided.
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_SSN_TAX_DOES_NOT_MATCHThe bank account owner’s SSN or tax ID doesn’t match with the bank data provider
VERIFICATION_BANK_CLOSEDThe bank account is closed
ACCOUNT_UNDER_REVIEWPayments may be submitted but Veem will not process the payment, until risk reviews are completed
VERIFICATION_SANCTION_MATCH_BLOCKThe individual’s identity does not match any entries in the sanctions database

Recommended actions for resolving errors related to bank account information:

CodeRecommended Action
VERIFICATION_BANK_PROVIDE_RETURNED_INVALID_INFOThe bank information provided is incorrect. Use the update-bank-info endpoint to update bank details
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_NO_INFO_WAS_FOUNDThe bank information provided is incorrect. Use the update-bank-info endpoint to update bank details
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_DOB_DOES_NOT_MATCHFew documents need to be provided. You can do it by calling account-document endpoint or contacting Veem:

1. Provide for last 90 days bank statement reflecting full bank account number, routing number, name & address of the customer
2. Provide copy of ID prood showing full name, address, DOB
3. Hold funds for 3-4 business days before releasing
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_NOT_ACCEPT_DEBIT_ACTIVITYThe bank information provided is incorrect. Use the update-bank-info endpoint to update bank details
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_OWNER_INFO_DOES_NOT_MATCH_PROVIDERAdditional documents are required. You can submit them using the account-document endpoint or by contacting Veem. The required documents include:

1. Provide for last 90 days bank statement reflecting full bank account number, routing number, name & address of the customer
2. Provide copy of ID prood showing full name, address, DOB
Funds will be held for 3–4 business days before being released.
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_OWNER_INFO_DOES_NOT_MATCHAdditional documents are required. You can submit them using the account-document endpoint or by contacting Veem. The required documents include:

1. Provide for last 90 days bank statement reflecting full bank account number, routing number, name & address of the customer
2. Provide copy of ID proof showing full name, address, DOB
Funds will be held for 3–4 business days before being released.
VERIFICATION_BANK_ACCOUNT_SSN_TAX_DOES_NOT_MATCHAdditional documents are required. You can submit them using the account-document endpoint or by contacting Veem. The required documents include:

1. A bank statement from the last 90 days showing the full bank account number, routing number, and the customer's name and address.
2. A copy of an ID proof displaying the full name, address, and date of birth (DOB).
3. The most recent tax return document.
Funds will be held for 3–4 business days before being released.
VERIFICATION_BANK_CLOSEDThe bank information provided is incorrect. Use the update-bank-info endpoint to update bank details
ACCOUNT_UNDER_REVIEWWait for Veem's response. You can check the account status calling account-status endpoint
VERIFICATION_SANCTION_MATCH_BLOCKProvide a copy of an ID proof that includes your full name, address, and date of birth (DOB). You can upload these documents using the account-document endpoint or contact Veem for assistance.


Here you can find the errors related to the payment endpoints, such as POST /veem/v1.2/claimless-payments
and POST /veem/v1.1/payments. These errors provide detailed information to help identify and resolve issues encountered when interacting with Veem APIs.

CodeNumeric CodeDescription
INVALID_AMOUNT50001401Amount X cannot be 0.0 or negative
NO_DRAFT_ACCESS50008002User doesn't have access to draft payment
SPECIFIED_BOTH_FROM_AND_TO_AMOUNT50001402Only one of fromAmount and toAmount should be specified
FROM_OR_TO_AMOUNT_REQUIRED50001403One of fromAmount or toAmount must be specified
MISSING_PURPOSE_OF_PAYMENT50001404Purpose of payment is missing
MISSING_AMOUNT50001405Amount must be set
INVALID_PURPOSE_OF_PAYMENT50001406Purpose of payment X is invalid for payee country X
INVALID_AMOUNT_NUMBER50001407Amount number X is not acceptable
ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND50000004No account found with account id X
CONTRACTOR_CANNOT_SEND_PAYMENT50001217Payer cannot be a contractor
PAYER_CANNOT_SEND_PAYMENT50001214The payer country X cannot send any payment
UNSUPPORTED_CURRENCY_FOR_PAYMENT50001011Currency code X is not supported for payer's country X or payee's country X
ATTACHMENT_IS_EMPTY50001902Attachment is empty
FILE_NAME_IS_EMPTY50001903Attachment file name is empty
REFERENCE_ID_IS_EMPTY50001904Attachment reference id is empty
INVALID_CP_ACCOUNT_STATUS_TO_CREATE_PAYMENT10001012CP account identifier X status is not valid for create payment

*CP means Counterparty, in this case usually receiver
INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS50001202The email address X is invalid.
UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESSNot allowed to send payment
INVALID_PARAMETER_UNEXPECTED_VALUEPayments cannot be sent from X (payer country)

Payments cannot be sent from X (payer country) in X (payer currency)

Payments cannot be sent from X (payer country) in X (payee currency)

Payments cannot be sent from X (payer currency)

Payments cannot be sent to X (payee country)

Payments cannot be sent to X (payee country) in X (payee currency)

Payments cannot be sent to X (payee currency)

Payments cannot be sent from X in X using method X

Cannot create with same payee and payer account id
10010028This initiator or CP does not allow payment by X (funding method)

*CP means Counterparty, in this case usually receiver
OVER_CNY_PERSONAL_RECEIVING_AMOUNT_LIMIT10010001Due to payment regulations, you may not send amounts of $X or greater
10009016Due to transaction limits, Veem is unable to process a payment larger than X from X at this time
NOT_ALLOWED_SENDING_STATES10009020Account X cannot send personal payment from X
DOUBLE_CONVERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED10008899Double conversion not supported
CARD_PAYMENT_MAX_AMOUNT10010003Card payments support transactions up to X. Reduce the amount and try again
VIRTUAL_CARD_INSUFFICIENT_FUND10009050Virtual card has insufficient funds for this request
INVALID_PURPOSE_OF_PAYMENT10002017X is not a valid purpose of payment for country X
10002009Account type X is not allowed to receive payment in CN

*CN means China
CHEQUE_PAYMENTS_SEND_DISABLED10002007Cheque payments sending is disabled
MISSING_PURPOSE_OF_PAYMENT_OR_DESC10002006Missing purpose of payment or purpose of payment description
10002011The payer's funding method for a cheque payment must be a US bank
PAYER_LOCATION_NOT_VALID_FOR_CHEQUE10002012The payer's location is not valid to send cheques
NO_BANK_ACCOUNT_FOUND10000132Bank account is not found for account id X
10002010The payer's bank account location does not allow sending cheques
10002011The payer's funding method for a cheque payment must be a US bank
NO_PAYMENT_APPROVE_TIER_FOUND10010040No payment approve tier found for payment with amount X
MISSING_PAYER_ACCOUNT_ID10000128Missing payer account id
INVALID_PARAMETER_NULLPayee account id and payee no account info cannot both be null

Missing amount

Missing Required param=X (payer account id)

Missing required param=X (payer country)

Missing required param= X (processing method)

Bill currency and locked currency must be the same

Bill amount must positive amount

Bill amount must be greater than or equal to locked amount
PAYMENT_NOT_APPROVEDNot all users approved to send payment
INVALID_CP_ACCOUNT_STATUS_TO_SENT_PAYMENT10001013CP account identifier X status is not valid for send payment
NO_ACCOUNT_FOUND10000107Could not find account for identifier X
NOT_EXTERNAL_PAYMENT10001005Payment X with payer funding method type X is not external payment
MISSING_FUNDING_METHOD_ID10001002Missing funding method id for payment request
NO_FUNDING_METHOD_FOUND10001004Could not find funding method: X for payer account id: X and funding method id: X
FAILED_ON_SENDING_EXTERNAL_PAYMENT10009003Failed on sending external payment to provider X, paymentId X
SOMETHING_WRONG_WITH_APPROVAL50009009There was something wrong, please check your approvals settings
OVER_PERSONAL_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT_MAX_AMOUNT10009016Due to transaction limits, Veem is unable to process a payment larger than X from X at this time
NOT_ALLOWED_COUNTRY_PERSONAL_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT10009018Cannot send personal account payment from X
PERSONAL_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT_INBOUND_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED10009014Personal account payment inbound is not supported: Payer bank country is X, payer amount currency is X
OVER_PERSONAL_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT_MAX_AMOUNT10009016Due to transaction limits, Veem is unable to process a payment larger than X from X at this time
INVALID_PAYMENT_AMOUNT10008807Invalid X amountX, require at least X
PAYEE_LOCATION_NOT_VALID_FOR_CHEQUE10002013The payee's location is not valid to receive cheques
INVALID_USER_ZERO_TIER_PAYMENT_USER_TO_SEND_PAYMENT10001316User X is not in zero-tier approvers List for payment X
BANK_ACCOUNT_NOT_UPDATABLE50001219Bank account cannot be updated, reason: X
PAYER_PAYMENT_PREF_IS_NOT_VALID10002014The payer's payment preference is empty