Request Money (Invoice)

The Request Money feature allows for a user to "request payment" from a party using an email. Users of the API can use this functionality as part of an existing invoicing capability for a different provider.

Request Money from a business in your local currency (or USD, Euro, GBP)

You can request payment from a business and attach an invoiced using createInvoice. For example:



  • X-request-id: For example 48855846-628d-4177-b071-80332a116f0a
  • Authorization: Bearer bearerToken

bearerToken is the Authorization token that belongs to the account created

i.e. Bearer d49e7fd4-2600-4dd4-a572-118668febbe7

see this section to generate your bearerToken

Request payload

    "notes": "Invoice test",
    "payer": {
        "type" : "Business",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "14152306359",
        "lastName": "USA Payer",
        "firstName": "Nibss",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "businessName": "Nibss USA Payer"
    "amount": {
        "number": 50,
        "currency": "USD"
    "goodFundsPayment" : false,
    "sweepToWalletId" : 51244


If sweepToWalletId is present we are moving the funds to the specified wallet_id. If it is not present we try to find the credit default funding method.

Response payload

    "requestId": "3974240f-9ef5-474f-9412-667b34a12864",
    "amount": {
        "number": 50.00,
        "currency": "USD"
    "notes": "Invoice test",
    "payer": {
        "email": ",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "phone": "tel:+1-415-566-3305"
    "sweepToWalletId": 2053,
    "goodFundsPayment": false,
    "id": 159776,
    "status": "Sent",
    "exchangeRate": {
        "fromAmount": 50.00,
        "fromCurrency": "USD",
        "toAmount": 50.00,
        "toCurrency": "USD"
    "claimLink": "",
    "invoiceExtraInfo": {
        "id": 0,
        "payeeFundingMethodId": 51244,
        "payeeFundingMethodType": "WALLET"
    "payeeAccountId": 379692,
    "payerAccountId": 379691