Webhooks Notification

Use webhooks to be notified about payment, account and invoice events.

Account status updated events

The Account Status Updated webhook is triggered whenever there is a change in the status of a user’s account within our system that impacts payments.

Event Name


Payload Structure

The webhook will send a JSON payload in the following format:

  "id": 145553,
  "isPaymentReady": true,
  "isVerified": false


  1. id: Our internal account id.
  2. isPaymentReady: Boolean indicating that all information required is informed.
  3. isVerified: Boolean indicating if the account is verified.

See Create new callback configuration to setup this webhook

Payment status updated events

When sending a payment request, developers can find out about the payment status by calling Get Payment Status. There will be times where "real time" updates are needed and webhooks can provide that. To leverage webhooks, you would need to register a callback URL that we will notify anytime an event happens to the payment.

For example, after a payment is "sent" by you, it would be in "PendingAuth" (or pending authorization) state. As it moves from "PendingAuth" to "Authorized", webhooks will post a notification that an event has occurred. You can then call Get Payment Status to find out the current state and other relevant details.

To understand the notification states, here's a mapping of the webhooks notifications and to what is shown in the customer UI. Note that there will be updates / changes to how the states are presented to a customer to simplify the messaging. The states received via webhooks will NOT change to ensure backwards compatibility.

The states that webhooks will post notifications for are highlighted in bold below:

StatusStatus in our Customer App UIDescription
DraftedDraftedPayment is in drafted state and requires further updates.
SentSentThe payment has been sent to the receiver/payee.
PendingAuthClaimedThe payment is in pending authorization by Veem.
AuthorizedClaimedThe payment has been authorized and is ready for processing. The money will be withdrawn from sender's bank.
InProgressIn ProgressThe payment has been initiated and receiver will be receiving money shortly.
CompleteDepositedThe payment is complete and the receiver should have received the money.
CancelledClosedThe payment has been cancelled by the sender/payer.
ClosedClosedThe payment has been closed by Veem by request from the sender, or receiver, or due to an error with the payment.

Invoice status updated events

The Invoice Status Updated webhook is triggered whenever an invoice undergoes a status change.

Event Name



SENTThe invoice has been sent to the sender/payer.
CLAIMEDThe invoice has been accepted by the sender/payer.
CANCELEDThe invoice has been cancelled by the payee.
UPDATEDThe invoice has been updated by the receiver/payer.
CLOSEDThe invoice has been closed by veem.

Payload Structure

The webhook will send a JSON payload in the following format:

    "id": 124585,
    "status": "Sent",
    "amount": {
        "number": 500.00,
        "currency": "USD"
    "payerAccountId": 36699,
    "payeeAccountId": 14521,
    "dueDate": "2025-01-01",
    "scheduledSentDateIso": "2025-01-01",
    "paymentId": 123

Create new callback configuration

For creating a webhook to be notified when a status payment change occurs you should use the following endpoint

POST https://sandbox-api.veem.com/veem/v1.2/webhooks


  • X-request-id: For example 48855846-628d-4177-b071-80332a116f0a
  • Authorization: Bearer bearerToken

bearerToken is the Authorization token that belongs to the account created

i.e. Bearer d49e7fd4-2600-4dd4-a572-118668febbe7

see this section to generate your bearerToken

You can configure two types of events:

  1. OUTBOUND_PAYMENT_STATUS_UPDATED Will notify you of status changes on payments sent by you
  2. INBOUND_PAYMENT_STATUS_UPDATED Will notify you of status changes on payments sent to you
    "id": 31,
    "callbackUrl": "https://typedwebhook.tools/webhook/b8d85c63-b0fe-4c31-8c27-ccfeff52da59",
    "status": "Active"

Update a callback configuration

For updating a webhook configuration you can use the following endpoint

PATCH https://sandbox-api.veem.com/veem/v1.2/webhooks/{webhookId}


  • X-request-id: For example 48855846-628d-4177-b071-80332a116f0a
  • Authorization: Bearer bearerToken

bearerToken is the Authorization token that belongs to the account created

i.e. Bearer d49e7fd4-2600-4dd4-a572-118668febbe7

see this section to generate your bearerToken

    "id": 31,
    "callbackUrl": "https://typedwebhook.tools/webhook/b8d85c63-b0fe-4c31-8c27-ccfeff52da59",
    "status": "Active"

Get existing callback configurations

For querying the existent webhooks you can call the next endpoint

GET https://sandbox-api.veem.com/veem/v1.2/webhooks


  • X-request-id: For example 48855846-628d-4177-b071-80332a116f0a
  • Authorization: Bearer bearerToken

bearerToken is the Authorization token that belongs to the account created

i.e. Bearer d49e7fd4-2600-4dd4-a572-118668febbe7

see this section to generate your bearerToken

    "id": 31,
    "callbackUrl": "https://typedwebhook.tools/webhook/b8d85c63-b0fe-4c31-8c27-ccfeff52da59",
    "status": "Active"

Delete a callback configuration

For deleting a webhook configuration use the following endpoint

DELETE https://sandbox-api.veem.com/veem/v1.2/webhooks/{webhookId}


  • X-request-id: For example 48855846-628d-4177-b071-80332a116f0a
  • Authorization: Bearer bearerToken

bearerToken is the Authorization token that belongs to the account created

i.e. Bearer d49e7fd4-2600-4dd4-a572-118668febbe7

see this section to generate your bearerToken

    "id": 31,
    "callbackUrl": "https://typedwebhook.tools/webhook/b8d85c63-b0fe-4c31-8c27-ccfeff52da59",
    "status": "Inactive"

Getting the notifications

Once you configure webhooks URL, Veem will send notification for payment status updates to that endpoint with the following payload.

The data is JSON content wrapped in string.

  "data": {
    "id": 1,
    "invoiceId": 1,
    "status": "Authorized",
    "debitTxn": {
      "id": 1,
      "status": "Pending",
      "errorCode": "01345",
      "errorMessage": "In case of reversal"
    "creditTxn": {
      "id": 2,
      "status": "Pending",
      "errorCode": "01345",
      "errorMessage": "In case of reversal"

Retry Mechanism

The three webhooks mentioned above include a retry mechanism that attempts delivery up to three times, with a 5-second interval between each attempt.