Create Multi Currency Wallets

With Veem's Multi Currency Wallets Creation API, you can create a Veem wallet for your business

This endpoint is used to create a new Veem Multi Currency Wallet. You will need your Oauth2 token to be able to hit this endpoint.



There are 2 headers necessary for the use of this endpoint:

  • X-request-id: This is a number unique to the current API request and follows the UUID format. Reusing this header without changing the value will result in a 500 (Internal Server Error) status. An example X-request-id is as follows:


  • Authorization: This header holds the bearer token required to use Veem's public API. Failure to use a valid bearer token will result in a 404 (Not Found) status. An example of a valid token is as follows:

Bearer c047594b-082c-4da1-be89-08fe3770f4b3

Request Payload

When creating a wallet using Veem's Multi Currency Wallet Creation API, one must follow the format as shown in the following example:

    "currencyCode": "MXN"

Request Parameters

The following table contains detailed information on the payload's parameter:

ParameterMandatory?FormatSize (in characters)
currencyCodeYesISO 4217 alpha-3 code (eg. GBP, CAD, JPY etc)3

For extra information, you can find some resources here:
ISO 4217 alpha-3 code:

Response Payload

Once a valid request has been sent, a response payload of this format should be expected:

    "id": 2164,
    "accountId": null,
    "availableBalance": {
        "number": 0,
        "currency": "MXN"
    "pendingBalance": {
        "number": 0,
        "currency": "MXN"
    "totalBalance": {
        "number": 0,
        "currency": "MXN"
    "status": "Active"

Possible response errors

When opening a Veem wallet, one might encounter some errors depending on the information provided. Here are some examples of the possible status codes one might encounter when using Veem's Multi Currency Wallet Creation API:

Status Code: 400 (Bad Request)

Example Response:

    "code": 50009028,
    "message": "The Currency BRL is not available",
    "logTag": "48855846-628d-4177-b071-80332a116f0a",
    "timestamp": "2025-03-06T19:33:46.504",
    "fileName": "",
    "lineNumber": 39

Note: The Veem wallet is not available for all currencies