Getting Started

The Veem Web SDK requires only a few steps to get setup in your web product:

  1. Register for a developer account on Dev Dashboard Sandbox.
  2. Register a new application.
  3. Include the following script tag in your HTML web page:
<script src="^0/umd/index.min.js" type="application/javascript"></script>
  1. Initiate the SDK within your webpage. Note that the list of available components can be found on Component API.
  const veemSDK = new Veem.WebSDK({
    name: '<component_name>',
    environment: 'sandbox',
    clientId: '<client_id>',


Ready to go live?

You’re almost there. Contact our dev support team at [email protected], and we’ll get you setup with the appropriate application keys. Once this is done, simply change the environment flag on your SDK configuration to production in order to go live.

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